NUS DEGs User Guide
NUSDegs streamlines computing degree planning by offering personalized module schedules, tracking progress, and ensuring on-time graduation. It eliminates guesswork, reduces stress, and saves time for students. It’s a comprehensive tool for efficient and successful degree completion.
Quick Start
- Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
- Download the latest version of
from here - Download the CS2113-T17-4.NUSDegs.jar to the folder you want to use as the home folder for NUSDegs.
- Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the .jar file in, and run the command java -jar CS2113-T17-4.NUSDegs.jar to run the application.
- Year 4 Semester 2 students aren’t able to use the app! (As we specifically cater the app to only students who have at least one semester left!)
- Due to the requirements of the CS2113, users are allowed to edit the txt files created. However, the course
should not be modified from “CEG” to “CS” and vice versa
in the txt file as it will break the prerequisite constraints in your
schedule and may cause the schedule to not work as intended (e.g show the incorrect preclusion).
- This is due to the prerequisite algorithm that takes into account your course. Hope you understand!
- Users are strongly recommended to not modify the data/schedule.txt as well as the schedule is supposed to be sorted based on prerequisites. Hence, a manual modification of an invalid module into the schedule.txt file may cause your schedule info to be corrupted and therefore lost!
- The prerequisites are calculated using NUSMods API, and there are some modules that we were not able to process and a error as such will be returned.
___________________________________________________________ Input command here: prereq cs3282 Sorry but we could not get the prerequisite for CS3282 as NUSMods API provided it in a invalid format :< ___________________________________________________________
Unfortunately for such modules, you would not be able to add them to your schedule as well! (This is something we would require more time and hopefully be able to work out in the future!)
- NUSMods has an issue where some modules are not being able to be added despite being a prerequisite
For example
Input command here: prereq cs3230R
1. CS2020 2. CS1231
Input command here: prereq cs2020
Invalid Module Name
Input command here:
- Any inconsistencies in data could be due to the NUSMods api.
- View help :
- View modules required for major:
- Check prerequisite for a module:
- Search for modules based on keywords:
- View info about a module:
- View schedule planner:
- Recommend a schedule based on major:
- Add module to schedule planner:
- Delete module from schedule planner:
- Shift module in schedule planner:
- Clear all schedule planner and completion data:
- Complete a module in your schedule planner:
- View modules left for graduation:
- Check current pace to graduate:
- View weekly timetable:
timetable show
- Modify weekly timetable:
timetable modify
- Saves user’s schedule and exits program:
Note: Between arguments, spaces are required. Arguments need to be passed in the correct order.
Viewing help: help
To view a list of all possible commands, a brief description of their functionality and syntax.
Format: help
User input:
- Expected outcome:
Here are all the commands currently available in NUSDegs!
- Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
- Parameters in [] are optional.
help Shows the list of commands.
required Displays the full requirements for your major.
recommend Displays a recommended schedule based on a keyword.
search KEYWORD Searches for modules to take based on keyword
info COMMAND MODULE_CODE Displays information about a specific module.
prereq MODULE_CODE Displays the prerequisites for a specific module.
schedule Shows schedule planner
add MODULE_CODE SEMESTER Adds module to the schedule planner.
delete MODULE_CODE Deletes module from the schedule planner.
shift MODULE_CODE SEMESTER Shifts module in the schedule planner.
clear Clears all schedule planner and completion data.
complete MODULE_CODE Marks a module as complete on schedule planner.
left Displays a list of remaining required modules.
pace [CURRENT_SEMESTER] Computes and displays your graduation pace.
timetable COMMAND Displays a grid containing this semester's classes
bye Saves user's schedule and timetable and exits program.
For more information, please read our User Guide at this link:
Getting a list of required modules:required
Get an overview of required modules for the user’s major
Format: required
Example of usage 1: (user’s major is CEG)
User input:
- Expected outcome:
║ Modular Requirements for CEG Units ║
│ Common Curriculum Requirements 60 │
GES1000 (Singapore Studies) 4
GEC1000 (Cultures and Connections) 4
GEN2000 (Communities and Engagement) 4
ES2631 Critique & Communication of Thinking
& Design (Critique & Expression) 4
CS1010 Programming Methodology (Digital
Literacy) 4
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data (Data
Literacy) 4
DTK1234 Design Thinking (Design Thinking) 4
EG1311 Design and Make (Maker Space) 4
IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics (Systems
Thinking) 4
EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning
(Artificial Intelligence) 4
CDE2501 Liveable Cities (Sustainable Futures) 4
CDE2000 (Creating Narratives) 4
PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management
(Project Management) 4
CG4002 Computer Engineering Capstone Project 1
(Integrated Project) 8
│ Programme Requirements 60 │
~~ Engineering Core 20 ~~
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2
MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering 2
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme 12
~~ CEG Major 40 ~~
CG1111A Engineering Principles and Practice I 4
CG2111A Engineering Principles and Practice II 4
CS1231 Discrete Structures 4
CG2023 Signals & Systems 4
CG2027 Transistor-level Digital Circuit 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2
CG2271 Real-time Operating System 4
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object-Oriented
Programming 4
EE2026 Digital Design 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4
│ Unrestricted Electives 40 │
Example of usage 2: (user’s major is CS)
User input:
- Expected outcome:
║ Modular Requirements for CS Units ║
│ Common Curriculum Requirements 40 │
~~ University Requirements: 6 University Pillars 24 ~~
CS1101S Programming Methodology (Digital
Literacy) 4
ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
(Critique and Expression) 4
GEC1% (Cultures and Connections) 4
GEA1000 / BT1101 / ST1131 / DSA1101 (Data
Literacy) 4
GES1% (Singapore Studies) 4
GEN2% (Communities and Engagement) 4
~~ Computing Ethics 4 ~~
IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy 4
~~ Inter & Cross-Disciplinary Education 12 ~~
Interdisciplinary (ID) Courses (at least 2)
Cross-disciplinary (CD) Courses (no more than 1)
│ Programme Requirements 80 │
~~ Computer Science Foundation 36 ~~
CS1231S Discrete Structures 4
CS2030S Programming Methodology II 4
CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms 4
CS2100 Computer Organisation 4
CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing
Professionals 4
CS2103T Software Engineering 4
CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems 4
CS2109S Introduction to AI and Machine Learning 4
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
~~ Computer Science Breadth and Depth 32 ~~
~~ Mathematics and Sciences 12 ~~
MA1521 Calculus for Computing 4
MA1522 Linear Algebra for Computing 4
ST2334 Probability and Statistics 4
│ Unrestricted Electives 40 │
View module prerequisites:prereq
Based on the module selected, we will show what prerequisites the course has.
Since NUS has the concept of preclusions, when prerequisites are shown, it is shown based on the degree of the current user.
If the module is not a requisite of the students major, we will only show one preclusion as a prerequisite
Format: prereq MODULE_CODE
- The input is not case-sensitive. E.g. eg1311 or EG1311 is shown out
Example of Usage:
User input:
prereq ee2211
Assuming the user is from Computer Engineering
- Expected outcome:
1. CS1010 2. MA1511 3. MA1508E
Searching for a module by title: search
Search for module title using a keyword.
Format: search KEYWORD
- The
cannot be empty.
Example of usage:
User input:
search Darwinian
- Expected outcome:
These are the modules that contain your keyword in the title:
Title: Junior Seminar: The Darwinian Revolution
Module Code: UTC1102B
Get information about a module: info description
Get information about a module using the info command, followed by the command ‘description’.
Format: info description MODULE_CODE
- The
cannot be empty.
Examples of usage:
User input:
info description CS2113
- Expected outcome:
This course introduces the necessary skills for systematic and rigorous development of software
systems. It covers requirements, design, implementation, quality assurance, and project management
aspects of small-to-medium size multi-person software projects. The course uses the Object
Oriented Programming paradigm. Students of this course will receive hands-on practice of tools
commonly used in the industry, such as test automation tools, build automation tools, and code
revisioning tools will be covered.
View schedule planner: schedule
Shows the user their current schedule planner
Format: schedule
- The input does not accept any arguments after the command word.
Example of usage:
User input: schedule
- Expected outcome :
Sem 1: X GESS1000 X DTK1234 X MA1512 X MA1511 X GEA1000
Sem 2: X EG1311 X EG2501 X GEN2000 X CS1010 X CS1231
Sem 3: X CG1111A X IE2141 X CDE2000 X PF1101 X GEC1000
Sem 4: X CG2023 X MA1508E X ST2334 X ES2631 X EG2401A
Sem 5: X EE4204 X EE2026 X CG2027 X CS2040C X CG2111A
Sem 6: X CG2028 X CS2113 X CG2271 X EE2211
Sem 7: X CG4002 X CP3880
Sem 8:
View recommended schedule based on course: recommend
Based on the student’s course, we will provide a recommended schedule that is sorted based on prerequisites.
Format: recommend
Example of usage:
User input:
- Even if you have inputted Y2/S2(Year 2, Semester 2) for example, we would still recommend you a schedule with all the required modules from Year 1, Semester 1 till Year 4 semester 2 as the goal of the recommend function is to provide you a template order of you can take your modules!
User input:
- Expected outcome:
Hold on a sec! Generating your recommended schedule <3....
Loading (.>_<.)
1. GEA1000 2. MA1511 3. MA1512 4. DTK1234 5. GESS1000
6. CS1231 7. CS1010 8. GEN2000 9. EG2501 10. EG1311
11. GEC1000 12. PF1101 13. CDE2000 14. IE2141 15. CG1111A
16. EG2401A 17. ES2631 18. ST2334 19. MA1508E 20. CG2023
21. CG2111A 22. CS2040C 23. CG2027 24. EE2026 25. EE4204
26. EE2211 27. CG2271 28. CS2113 29. CG2028 30. CP3880
31. CG4002
Here you go!
Taking the modules in this order will ensure a prerequisite worry free uni life!
Do you want to add this to your schedule planner? (This will overwrite your current schedule!)
Please input 'Y' or 'N'
- If the user enters
, the recommended schedule will be added to their schedule
Here is your schedule planner!
Sem 1: X GESS1000 X DTK1234 X MA1512 X MA1511 X GEA1000
Sem 2: X EG1311 X EG2501 X GEN2000 X CS1010 X CS1231
Sem 3: X CG1111A X IE2141 X CDE2000 X PF1101 X GEC1000
Sem 4: X CG2023 X MA1508E X ST2334 X ES2631 X EG2401A
Sem 5: X EE4204 X EE2026 X CG2027 X CS2040C X CG2111A
Sem 6: X CG2028 X CS2113 X CG2271 X EE2211
Sem 7: X CG4002 X CP3880
Sem 8:
Happy degree planning!
Add module to schedule planner: add
Opens the user’s personalized module schedule planner and adds the chosen module to the semester specified by the user. Adding will not be allowed if the current schedule planner does not contain the required prerequisites.
cannot be empty and must be valid.SEMESTER
cannot be empty and must be an integer between 1-8 inclusive.
- We do not check for preclusions when adding. (It is something we hope to implement in the future!)
- E.g. If you have added CS2040C in your schedule, you are still able to add CS2040 even though it is a preclusion.
Example of usage:
User input:
add CS1010 1
- Expected outcome:
Module Successfully Added
Sem 1: X CS1010
Sem 2:
Sem 3:
Sem 4:
Sem 5:
Sem 6:
Sem 7:
Sem 8:
Delete module from schedule planner: delete
Opens the user’s personalized module schedule planner and deletes the chosen module. Deleting will not be allowed if the module to be deleted is a prerequisite of a module in later semesters on the schedule planner.
Format: delete MODULE_CODE
cannot be empty and must be valid.MODULE_CODE
must also be in the current schedule planner
- Our delete function checks for validity of deletion by checking for the modules it ‘unlocks’, hence if you were to add a module in semester one, but the following semester has already a module it ‘unlocks’, you will not be able to delete it without deleting the module it satisfies! (However this is something we do as well want to work on as well in the future!)
- E.g. If you have both CS1010 and CS1101S in semester 1, and CS2040C in semester 2, you are unable to delete both CS1010 or CS1101S, even though just one of them is sufficient to unlock CS2040C.
Examples of usage:
User input:
delete CS1010
(Assume schedule is currently in the state from the example in add
- Expected outcome:
Module Successfully Deleted
Sem 1:
Sem 2:
Sem 3:
Sem 4:
Sem 5:
Sem 6:
Sem 7:
Sem 8:
Shift module in schedule planner: shift
Opens the user’s personalized module schedule planner and shifts the chosen module to the semester specified by the user. Shifting will not be allowed if it causes conflicts with other modules in the schedule planner.
cannot be empty and must be valid.MODULE_CODE
must also be in the current schedule plannerSEMESTER
cannot be empty and must be an integer between 1-8 inclusive.
- Similar to the delete feature, shifting a module later checks for validity of shifting by checking for the modules it ‘unlocks’, hence if there were two modules in semester 1 that both individually could satisfy a module in semester 2, you would not be able to shift any of the two semester 1 modules. (However this is something we do as well want to work on as well in the future!)
- E.g. If you have both CS1010 and CS1101S in semester 1, and CS2040C in semester 2, you are neither able to shift CS1010 nor CS1101S to semester 2 onwards, even though just one of them is sufficient to unlock CS2040C.
Example of usage:
User input:
shift CS1010 2
(Assume CS1010 was in Semester 1)
- Expected outcome:
Module Successfully Shifted
Sem 1:
Sem 2: X CS1010
Sem 3:
Sem 4:
Sem 5:
Sem 6:
Sem 7:
Sem 8:
Clear all schedule planner and completion data: clear
Deletes every module in the module schedule planner and their completion data. The user will be prompted to confirm this action as this command cannot be undone.
Format: clear
Example of usage:
User input:
-> Y
- Expected outcome:
Are you sure you want to clear your schedule? This action cannot be undone!
Please input 'Y' or 'N'
Invalid input, please choose Y/N
Schedule successfully cleared
Complete a module: complete
Completes a module (Completes a module in your schedule planner).
- The module you complete has to be first added in your schedule planner!
Format: complete MODULE_CODE
Example of usage 1: (scenario where user’s selected major is CEG)
User input:
complete ma1511
Expected outcome:
Module Successfully Completed
List required modules left: left
Displays the required modules left, which is the remainder after subtracting the modules completed
(modules added to schedule planner and marked as completed), from the modules required for the user’s major
(modules displayed for required
command) that have not been completed
Format: left
Example of usage 1: (major is CEG, no modules completed)
User input:
- Expected outcome:
Required Modules Left: 1. CG1111A 2. MA1511 3. MA1512 4. CS1010 5. GESS1000 6. GEC1000 7. GEN2000 8. ES2631 9. GEA1000 10. DTK1234 11. EG1311 12. IE2141 13. EE2211 14. EG2501 15. CDE2000 16. PF1101 17. CG4002 18. MA1508E 19. EG2401A 20. CP3880 21. CG2111A 22. CS1231 23. CG2023 24. CG2027 25. CG2028 26. CG2271 27. ST2334 28. CS2040C 29. CS2113 30. EE2026 31. EE4204
Example of usage 2: (major is CEG, CG1111A & CS1010 & GEC1000 are added and completed)
User input:
- Expected outcome:
Required Modules Left: 1. MA1511 2. MA1512 3. GEC1000 4. GEN2000 5. ES2631 6. GEA1000 7. DTK1234 8. EG1311 9. IE2141 10. EE2211 11. EG2501 12. CDE2000 13. PF1101 14. CG4002 15. MA1508E 16. EG2401A 17. CP3880 18. CG2111A 19. CS1231 20. CG2023 21. CG2027 22. CG2028 23. CG2271 24. ST2334 25. CS2040C 26. CS2113 27. EE2026 28. EE4204
Check current pace to graduate: pace
Based on the modules that have been completed, t The user can see how many MCs are left and how much time is left to complete the required MCs.
Format: pace
If no argument is given, we will take the year that you have initially inputted.
If an argument is given, we will take the academic year given and calculate the pace based on that.
- The current number of modular credits to complete is set to 160. However, this is something we do want to modify in future to cater to our double degree friends!
- The pace function is to track the modules you have completed and not the modules you have added!
Example of Usage:
User input:
pace y1/s1
- Expected outcome: assuming 0 modular credits were done in semester one
You have 160MCs for 7 semesters. Recommended Pace: 23MCs per sem until graduation
View Weekly Timetable: timetable show
Timetable view displays lectures, tutorials and classes (collectively referred to as lessons) for each module in the student’s current semester.
Format: timetable show
Example of usage:
Scenario 1: No current semester modules (semester 4)
User input:
timetable show
Expected outcome:
Timetable view is unavailable as your current semester has no modules yet.
Add modules using this format: add [module code] 4
Alternatively, get the recommended schedule for your major: recommend
Scenario 2: No lectures, tutorials or labs exist (have current semester modules)
User input:
timetable show
Expected outcome:
Timetable view is unavailable as modules in your current semester have no lessons yet.
Enter Timetable Modify Mode to add lessons: timetable modify
Scenario 2: The lessons have been specified in Timetable Modify Mode
- CS2101 has a lecture at 5 for 2 hours on Monday
- GESS1000 has a lecture at 11 for 3 hours on Tuesday
- GESS1000 has a tutorial at 19 for 0 hours on Wednesday.
User input:
timetable show
Expected outcome:
| Monday | CS2101 Lecture (5am-7am) |
| Tuesday | GESS1000 Lecture (11am-2pm) |
| Wednesday | GESS1000 Tutorial (7pm) |
Modify Weekly Timetable: timetable modify
Add lectures, tutorials and classes (collectively referred to as lessons) for a specific module in the student’s current semester. The current semester’s modules (if any) will be displayed. Users can perform actions such as add and clear lessons in a module:
Format for subcommands:
timetable modify
- To enter Timetable Modify Mode
- Add a lesson
and specify its details (time, duration, day)
- lessonType: lecture, tutorial, lab
- startTime: integer from 5 to 23 (representing 5am to 11pm)
- duration: time in hours
- day: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
- Clears all lessons of the selected module in current semester
- Exits Timetable Modify Mode and return to the main command loop
- Each argument has to be separated by whitespace.
- Input for TIME must be an integer from 5 to 23 (representing 5am to 11pm)
- Input for DURATION must be an integer that is at least 0
- If the sum of inputs for TIME and DURATION is greater than 23, only the start TIME will be displayed
Example of Usage:
User input:
Expected outcome:
| Monday | CS2101 Lecture (5am-7am) |
| Tuesday | GESS1000 Lecture (11am-2pm) |
| Wednesday | GESS1000 Tutorial (7pm) |
User input:
GESS1000 clear
Expected outcome:
All lessons for selected module are cleared.
| Monday | CS2101 Lecture (5am-7am) |
User input:
Expected Outcome:
Exited Timetable Modify Mode
Save schedule and timetable and exit the program: Bye
Exit NUSDegs and save student details, schedule and current semester timetable into a data folder that will be in
the same folder as where you placed NUSDegs.jar
. The data folder will contain the user’s student detail,
their schedule planner and their current semester timetable.
Format: bye
Example of usage:
User input: bye
- Expected outcome
Data successfully saved in save files Goodbye!
Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Currently, this feature is not included in NUSDegs.
Q: What do I need to run this application?
A: Your computer requires Internet Access and Java 11 to run the application. The operating system (Windows, macOS or Linux), doesn’t matter.
Q: Would my data be saved after I close NUSDegs?
A: Yes. Currently, your student details, schedule planner and current semester timetable will be saved inside a
data folder which will be in the same folder as where you placed NUSDegs.jar
. To access the save folder the next
time you use NUSDegs, just start the jar file the same way and ensure that the data files have not been tempered with.
Q: How is the pace
function calculated?
A: Currently, we set it at a default 160Modular credits to graduate, however it is a feature we plan to include as to cater to double degree students!
Command Summary
Note: if an argument is wrapped with []
it means that it is optional.
Command | Format |
View Help | help |
View modules left for graduation | left |
Check prerequisite for a module | prereq MODULE_CODE |
Search for modules based on keywords | search KEYWORD |
View info about a module | info description MODULE_CODE |
View modules required for major | required |
View schedule planner | schedule |
Recommend a schedule based on major | recommend |
Add module to schedule planner | add MODULE_CODE SEMESTER_NUMBER |
Delete module from schedule planner | delete MODULE_CODE |
Shift module in schedule planner | shift MODULE_CODE SEMESTER |
Clear all schedule planner and completion data | clear |
Complete a module in your schedule planner | complete MODULE_CODE |
Check current pace to graduate | pace [CURRENT_SEMESTER] |
Modify weekly timetable | timetable modify |
Show weekly timetable | timetable show |
Save schedule and timetable and exit the program | bye |